Why we require a demo before you buy Systemize

Why we require a demo before you buy Systemize

Is your countertop fabrication shop struggling with costly mistakes, unorganized whiteboards, disconnected staff, and disorganized processes? You’re a prime candidate for Systemize, our scheduling software that addresses all of these bottlenecks in your business. A...

New Feature: Orders

We’re excited to announce a new feature in CounterGo – Orders! Over 200 customers have recently told us how much CounterGo has sped up their estimating process and increased their countertop sales. Well, we wanted to continue helping fabricators...

5 Best Communication Tools for Countertop Shops

One of the hardest challenges to overcome as a growing countertop shop is an open line of communication. The sales team often has a difficult time communicating with the shop and vice versa.  A lack of communication can create some serious resentment between...