Stone Business Magazine – Inventory Software

May 5, 2009 Entire Inventory Software article at Stone Business Magazine Inventory Software DOING IT BETTER Whether you’re tracking slabs in the yard or sinks in the showroom – or both – opinions vary only a little on just what constitutes a good software package....

Moraware announces availability of JobTracker v2.4

June 2008 – Moraware JobTracker version 2.4 is available with new features that enable communication between more people – within your company, on the road, or with your customers.    This update allows you to give your customers access to JobTracker. ...

Stone World Magazine – Amendola Marble profile

January 1, 2008 Diversifying a family-run business Amendola Marble profile: Diversifying a family-run business “To maintain a high standard of customer service and reliable on-time delivery, both locations use a Moraware JobTracker system from Moraware, Inc. of...

Moraware receives ISSFA Associate of the Year award

March 30, 2007 – San Mateo, CA The International Solid Surface Fabricators Association (ISSFA) recognized the achievements of its members at its annual membership meeting in Orlando, Florida, March 15-17 2007. The Associate of the Year Award was presented to Moraware...