Notes from the DC stone industry eductation seminar

On September 14th, we attended the Stone Education seminar hosted at MSI in Jessup, MD. The speaker was MIA president G.K. Naquin, of Stone Interiors in Loxley, AL, who shared his experiences as a high-end countertop fabricator who’s company produces about 45 kitchens...

Say goodbye to salespeople

Over 2 years ago, we changed our business. We went from selling expensive software to having a monthly online service. There were big implications for our cash flow, the upfront risk our customers take, and the fact that we manage servers with critical business...

8 phone calls to get (and keep) happy customers

We’ve found one reason people are happy with our software is that we keep in touch. Picking up the phone and checking in is one of the best ways to make sure we’re doing a good job. But, just “checking in” or “touching base” isn’t very specific or useful, so we have a...

Why your spreadsheet sucks for scheduling

We’ve talked to hundreds of countertop shops that use Excel for scheduling. It’s a decent way to keep track of your templates, installs, and even stone fabrication. Usually fabricators move to spreadsheets when they’re sick of whiteboards and file folders, but even...

Can you spot the email?

We’re trying to improve our communication with Moraware users, prospects, and even within our company. One of the ways that we reach people is by sending email newsletters with tips and news. Here’s an hourly chart of traffic on our help site over the...

5 free things we did to improve our website

For years, we heard that we should make the website better… we were invisible on Google, and even countertop shops looking for scheduling and estimating software couldn’t find us easily. But, we finally changed what we were doing last fall. Here’s what we...