Stand Out From The Pack, Step Four

Last week, we talked about choosing your unique angle. If you want to have a reputation of being better than your competitors, sometimes just being different is all it takes. There is something unique about what you offer, and step 3 will help you position yourself...

Stand Out From The Pack, Step Three

In steps 1 and 2, we focused on two critical pieces for crafting your unique selling proposition for your countertop business. First, you must choose your buyer. Second, you must choose what it is you are selling. Choose your unique angle Now that we’ve gotten the...

Stand Out From The Pack, Step Two

Last week, we saw that the first step to establishing a solid, unique selling proposition and transforming your countertop business is to choose your buyer. There are specific customers you serve and specific problems you solve. Use this in your messaging and test if...

Stand Out From The Pack, Step One

When you’re thinking about marketing, the most important question you can ask for your countertop business is: “why should your customers buy from you rather than anyone else?” If your answer is your prices or business reputation then you need to ask yourself...

What is job costing, anyway?

I got a call from a countertop fabricator yesterday saying “I need software to tell me exact job costs, so we can figure out if we’re making money.” If that’s you – STOP! You don’t need software. It’s not the typical question...

Free granite inventory spreadsheet and toolkit

Inventory is a big deal for countertop fabricators. Based on what I’ve seen and heard from our customers, between 1/3 and 1/2 of your direct costs are tied to your granite slab inventory. So, it’s not surprising that we get asked to help with that part of...