StoneTalk Episode 37 – Aaron Dahnke

In StoneTalk Episode 37, Patrick digs into stone industry education opportunities with Aaron Dahnke of MIA+BSI. Listen to this episode to discover: The value of MIA+BSI’s Stone Summits – in partnership with StoneWorld Magazine...

Building a Fab Business: Velocity vs. Volume

Think of a mountain river. Typically, there are stretches of white water occasionally interspersed with standing pools of calm. In the countertop business, according to the concept of Synchronous Flow, projects should move through the shop with a certain velocity like...

A Day In Your Life!

For our training event in Houston, I prepared a short presentation for the first morning, before we dove deep into the details. The main message from the presentation was, “start with the business process in mind, then have JobTracker run your process more...