What’s happening in RemnantSwap

If you’re a countertop fabricator and you haven’t checked out RemnantSwap, you’re missing out on one of the most useful free tools in our industry. We built that website with a very explicit goal – to connect countertop fabricators who were...

Moraware security – what’s your biggest risk?

I was just reading an article about security threats to web-based software, and one of our customers emailed me as they were reading the same thing. This is a topic we think about a lot, and some of the most tricky decisions we make are tied to balancing security with...

Customizing calendar views

One of the calendar features that’s really powerful in Moraware JobTracker is using Views. The idea is that each person in the office (or shop) can create their own view by changing options, and then see the calendar that they care about most. For example, as...

Adios, old versions of Internet Explorer!

For the last few months, we’ve been urging our users to stop using old versions of Internet Explorer. Starting next Tuesday, Microsoft is officially dropping support for IE 8, 9, and 10… plus all of the older versions, which haven’t been supported...