JobTracker Inventory Edition Training

JobTracker Inventory Edition helps you solve 3 problems: Create purchase orders and receive slabs into inventory Track which slabs go with which jobs Track leftover pieces as remnants, if desired This JobTracker Inventory training video shows you how to accomplish...

Getting your people trained on JobTracker

We had another great group of people attend our JobTracker for New Employees webinar this week! The webinar was designed to help busy fabricators get their new employees trained, but many more experienced users have attended as well. They’ve said it’s a...

Material Handling Overview

Have you been thinking about improving the way you manage slab inventory but don’t know where to start? We created a new material handling training video that will help. One of the challenges of addressing sink, slab & remnant inventory is that inventory...

Baltimore Stone Summit

Last week, I attended another MIA+BSI “stone summit” event at the MS International outside of Baltimore. As I’ve mentioned before, I love these regional events, because they get a bunch of fabricators in a room together and just let ’em talk....