Got Quoting Down? It’s Time to Organize Your Schedule

Feb 13, 2020 | Business, CounterGo, Systemize

Quoting is the first issue nearly every countertop shop professional faces. You’re spending too much time estimating, you’re starting to experience a backlog of work, and quotes don’t look professional.

That’s where our quoting software, CounterGo, comes in. (Sound familiar? Check out 4 Key Ways Countertop Fabricators Can Give Better Quotes.)

CounterGo allows fabricators to draw, layout, and quote countertops in just 3 minutes. There’s so much more to it, but in simple terms, CounterGo frees you up to spend time elsewhere!

When you’re not buried with quotes, you’re able to take a step back and actually see how your business is running. When the pressing issue of efficient quoting is solved with CounterGo, you’ll start to see other parts of your business that could use some improvement. 

If you are running into scheduling issues on jobs and keeping track of who should be doing what, and when – Systemize is a great way to keep everyone on the same page, and keep your schedule and job information consistent for your whole team.

Here are 10 reasons existing CounterGo users start streamlining their operations with Systemize.

1. They’re spending all their time on the logistics of scheduling.

We’re in the countertop business, not logistics! One Systemize user told us that he used to spend hours debating with his staff on how all of the scheduling components would come together. The worst part? They were doing it all on a magnetic scheduling board!

Systemize simplifies the scheduling process with unique features like routing and maps. You can visualize who is going where so that no time is being wasted crisscrossing paths around town.

Map view of locations

You can also take advantage of AutoSchedule, one of our most popular features. Do you typically need three days after templating before you start on fabrication? Do you generally need three more days before you start on the Install? Should the invoice be sent the day after installation?

All of these tasks can be automatically added to your calendar with Systemize.

2. They’re tired of being inconsistent.

Inconsistency is a huge pain point for many countertop shop owners. For example, is your pricing consistent across the board? Do you think you’d get the same quote from multiple salespeople? CounterGo can help with that by getting all of your pricing lists in one place.

What about follow-ups? Are you reaching out to customers after every job? Systemize can help with that by getting your scheduling back on track.

When you implement Systemize, your scheduling, communication and processes will become more consistent as a result.

3. They are constantly going back and forth between several programs and want everything to be in one place.

When you rely on a smorgasbord of programs and software, things can get cluttered and confusing pretty quickly. You’re jumping around from program to program to get the information you need, and you’re wasting precious time doing it!

Systemize combines six integral functionalities under one roof, allowing you to ditch all the mismatched programs.

Systemize handles:

  1. Communication
  2. Fabrication scheduling
  3. Installation scheduling
  4. Inventory Tracking*
  5. Lead management
  6. Analytics

Systemize simplifies your entire company by being your one-stop-shop for information. The bonus of having a single source of truth is that you can finally run accurate reports, which brings us to our next point.

*Once you are an active Systemize user, you can add on Inventory.

4. They want a quick, accurate way to see the numbers.

The data is important, especially when you’re running a business for profit! With Systemize, you’re tracking everything in one place, so you have the ability to run valuable reports in a matter of seconds.

Here are just a few examples of questions you might have that Systemize could answer:

  • How many square feet of countertop space have you installed this week? Is it trending up or down?
  • How many installs have you completed per month this year? Are you growing, staying stagnant, or losing momentum?
  • Which customer is sending you the most business?
  • How many phone calls have your sales staff made this month?
  • How long does it typically take you to go from templating to installation?
  • Which salesperson is generating the most customers?

Can you answer all of these questions with your current set-up? If not, Systemize is a very valuable tool to have in your shop!

5. They get nervous when customers call in about a job’s status.

Why do they get nervous, you ask? Because they have no clue what the status is! Finding out requires tracking down the right staff member, sorting through paper files that are cluttered all over the office, or something else equally time-consuming.

Systemize gives you specific information about a job’s status in real-time. You don’t have to be in the office, either – Systemize is accessible from anywhere that has internet. Look it up on your phone, your iPad, or your laptop, and you’re all set.

6. They are tired of everything being so disorganized.

More customers means more money for your business, but growth brings along some growing pains. Disorganization is bound to happen when you’re juggling several jobs at once.

Systemize helps you with the organization of each and every job. The job details are all in one place, and you don’t have to rely on your memory anymore. That can cut down on a lot of stress!

In fact, one user told us, “I sleep better because all the job-specific customer details are in Systemize, not in my brain!

7. They are tired of things slipping through the cracks.

Mistakes happen, but when you use technology to your advantage, they can happen a whole heck of a lot less.

Systemize users tell us that having all of their client and job information with them wherever they go cuts down on silly mistakes – big time.

As long as you have your phone with you, you can do things like:

  • Check on appointment times
  • Pull up job info
  • Revisit a quote
  • See what the schedule is for the day

Having this pertinent information on hand cuts down on avoidable human errors, like dreaded reworks.

8. They are overwhelmed by all the paperwork.

Is your office is one big mound of paperwork? 

Odds are you feel some level of anxiety and stress. And we’re not just saying that – Sherrie Bourg Carter Psy.D of Psychology Today explains that clutter actually causes our senses to work overtime.

Clutter can:

  • Make it difficult to relax
  • Signal to our brain that the work is never done
  • Create feelings of guilt and embarrassment
  • Prevent you from being productive
  • Cause frustration

If any of this is sounding familiar, there’s good news! Clutter is fixable. When you digitize your business and stop relying too heavily on paperwork, your life becomes so much easier.

Your stress levels go down (Systemize users can attest to this!), and important information is always stored safely online. You don’t have to physically be in your office to dig up that estimate or work order you need – you can just pull out your tablet!

9. They want to seamlessly open up another location.

If you’re growing at a rapid rate, opening up another location might be the next best move. However, if you don’t have a centralized system where you house client and job information, things can get messy.

With Systemize, an employee at one location can easily see any correspondence that has taken place between sales staff and customers. Your staff is always in the know.

When you know what’s going on, it not only impresses customers and makes them feel valued, but it reduces costly mistakes.

10. They want office and production to be on the same page.

Often times, folks in the office and production can butt heads

The sales and front office staff has to report back to customers, and when they don’t have a clear idea of how long the fabrication process will take, it can cause major issues.

Systemize offers transparency between departments. The office team knows exactly how far along production is, and production can easily see any communication that has taken place with customers.

Everyone knows when the install and service dates are, and communication is finally opened up. One Systemize user said that because everyone is finally on the same page, they are finally able to embrace the enjoyment of their work!

11. They want to have a better work/life balance.

When we asked over 200 Moraware users how our software has impacted their lives, the top two responses were:

  1. Less stress
  2. More time

When your job is enjoyable, you’re experiencing less stress, and you have more time, it has a drastic impact on your personal life! 

Systemize users report:

  • spending more time with their family, 
  • going home earlier than ever before 
  • having more peace of mind.

While Systemize will have the greatest effect on the productivity and efficiency of your business, we’re extremely proud of the impact it also has on your personal life!

Ready for Systemize?

Existing CounterGo users have the luxury of fast, professional quotes, but that’s only one bottleneck fabrication professionals face. 

Tackle other concerns like scheduling, communication, and organization with Systemize. We offer free live demos, so schedule yours today!

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