Preparing for the GDPR

Apr 10, 2018 | Business

If your business is based in the European Union, then you might have heard about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by now. We’d like to let you know some things to keep in mind about how the GDPR affects you & us.

What is the GDPR?

The GDPR is an EU privacy law that will take effect on May 25, 2018. It will regulate the treatment and use of personal data belonging to EU citizens.

Will the GDPR apply to my business?

European Union-based businesses, as well as anyone processing the personal data of EU citizens, will probably be affected by the GDPR. If you ever collect, record, store, use, or erase personal data in the EU, the GDPR might affect you.

What Moraware is doing to prepare

Here at Moraware, we’ve been reviewing and updating our internal data processes and systems to make sure we’re ready. Even though only a small percentage of our customers are in the EU, we take data security and privacy very seriously.

We’re committed to achieving compliance with the GDPR, and we want to help you do the same. We’re still learning, but we’ll share what we know both further in future posts. We’ll also continue updating our terms of service and privacy policies to be more explicit about how we manage and process customer data. We believe that you should have insight into the data we’re storing and processing about you, as our customer. Here’s how we can respond to your requests about your data.

• Right to be forgotten: If you request it, we’ll remove your personal information from our internal systems.
• Right to object: We don’t use any of your customers’data for any purposes other than supporting you, but if you suspect we’re accidentally sharing your data in an unintended way, we’ll stop immediately.
• Right to rectification: If we have wrong information for you, please let us know.
• Right of access: If you want to know the personal information we’re storing about you, it’s very minimal contact information which includes addresses, phone numbers, and emails. We don’t store any of your billing information directly, that’s all handled through our payment processor.
• Right of portability: You may export your views to a .CSV file. It’s also technically possible for us to send you a copy of the database that stores your data, however it’s probably not useful unless you have a database programmer available.

How to prepare your business for the GDPR

If your business is preparing for the GDPR, we know that it can be overwhelming. One of the keys is an expansion of individual rights related to your customers’ data. Here’s some ways to use your Moraware software to respond to requests from your customers.

• Right to be forgotten: You may delete individual contacts upon their request at any time. In our software, you can delete contact information – that could be Accounts, Contacts, Quotes, or Jobs.
• Right to object: If your customers suspect you’re using their data in a way they didn’t approve, you should take action if they request a change.
• Right to rectification: You should update your customer’s information any time when they request it.
• Right of access: You should have a way for your customers to know what you know about them.

We’ll continue to let you know as we update our systems and policies related to data security and privacy. We’ve been very conscious about this topic anyway, and we’re looking forward to making it more clear and well-defined.

If you have specific questions about the GDPR and your use of Moraware Systemize, CounterGo, or JobTracker, email our team at

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