Last month, we asked our newsletter readers whether they normally measure counters in-home before or after the creating a countertop quote – and if after, how often do they have to adjust the price?
The results aren’t statistically relevant, but more people replied that they template/visit after quoting vs template/visit before quoting … and a solid number do a mix of both approaches. Here are some of the more interesting responses.
Template after quoting
We always take a deposit before booking an on-site template to get some commitment from the customer – otherwise we could end up with the cost of templating 30-40 jobs a week and only getting 20 of them. UK customers will shop around and competition is fierce in our area. Probably 50% of the time we adjust the quote after template, but the large variations that really impact on the cost are much less than that.
Normally the customer brings measurements to our showroom and slab gallery. 50% of the time we have to adjust the quote after template.
We measure after getting the job. If the homeowner makes changes we adjust the price accordingly!
After quoting. Before fabrication. Most of the time the measurements vary slightly, whether it be more or less than the original.
We quote before we measure. We template and revise the quote after-template if necessary. Maybe 3 out of 10 after-template require revision.
Almost never measure at a home before quoting. Customer take pictures on their phone & provides basic measurements. We estimate from there. We correct, if necessary, after the template…seldom occurs. Almost never. Usually happens if they’ve changed the layout in the their new install.
We usually go by cabinet drawings. For existing kitchens, the client submits rough layout with dimensions. We revise after template about 20% of the time.
After. Rarely revise, but we always check the numbers to make sure the quote is close to the actual measurements.
After. Revise quote once after template.
Most jobs are priced from rough dimensions provided by the customer. Probably 50% of the time there is something noted at measure that will change the price.
No, we have the builder or customer send the final cabinet drawing which we quote from. Walk in customers, we usually ask for a drawing with fairly accurate measurements. Very seldom, maybe 5% of the time & usually get informed from the client if there are any changes.
We usually visit the home AFTER creating a quote and client approves pricing. We need to revise about 25% of the time – the majority of the tim,e there is not readjusting because the pricing estimate was accurate. If it is more than 5 sq ft off, then we will readjust. If it is less than 5 sq. ft., we do not reprice
What we do is generate an initial estimate based on “their” square footage and wants like under mount sink, type of edge etc. Once approved, we schedule a day to go out and make any changes “to the original estimate” based on what we measure and if any details have changed (like color, material, sink etc). About 20% of the time we need to revise the quote – so for the most part they turn out to be pretty close! Nowadays customers are becoming smarter about calculating their own square footage.
Template (or at least visit the home) before quoting
I visit the home before I give a quote. If customer gives me measurements I will have to adjust the price when going to the house.
I prefer to quote after measuring. Most of the time; the quote needs to be adjusted after the field measure.
For homeowners doing a remodel we try to visit before giving a quote. This keeps the changes to a minimum and customers like the personal attention. As for new homes we try to get in on the ground floor and quote from blue prints to help with the budget. I would say 90% of quotes have to be edited. This is not always because of square footage changes but because we allow our customers to change products, or add a sink or faucet to the job, maybe even decide that they need us to tear out or not tear out existing tops, they may decide they want us to do additional work.
We quote from customer’s drawings and update after measure. With less than accurate drawings it is over 50% of the time.
I visit the home first, then I create the quote. Changes are rare.
Mix of both
We normally measure after quoting, but at customers request we will go before. Approximately 50% of the time we have to adjust quote.
For retail customers we visit the customer residence about 59% of the time before quoting. We always revise the quotes after template for ALL jobs. This is driven by site conditions, changes at template, and upselling at template.
Our dealers we quote before. Direct clients, we visit the home first. About 75% need changes.
If given the opportunity I will always visit the house to gather my own dimensions, selling the project the whole time. It is a great time to close a deal! if you do the quote first, then almost 100% of the time you will have to go back in and make revisions.
Mix of both. If the footage is more then we charge for the additional footage. We usually have all the sinks and tile picked over the phone or in our showroom so those changes are rare.
If customer does not have any idea about the measure for his counter, we will schedule a measure before template. But most likely customer will have some idea about the measuring or they will have a plan or cabinet design. More then 50% need to be revised, but we make it clear for the customer that the quote is only a rough estimate on his square footage.
We typically quote first, but we do offer free in-home estimates for customers with accounts. We can requote up to 2-10+ times.