If you haven’t updated your browser in more than three years, it’s time to do so. Both CounterGo and JobTracker require version 10 or higher of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Firefox.
If you’re using an old version of Internet Explorer, please visit the Internet Explorer website to see if you need the free upgrade.
Many of our customers prefer to use Google Chrome instead. If you’re using Chrome, you’re automatically up-to-date.
Note that the latest version of Windows – Windows 10 – actually defaults to yet another browser, called Edge. Edge is compatible with Moraware as well, as are up-to-date versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera.
Starting about three years ago, all the major browser vendors started updating themselves automatically (great idea!) … If you’re using IE and want to know for sure, click on the gear icon in IE, and choose About Internet Explorer:
The latest version is 11:
And again, recognize that we no longer support customers running Windows XP. We will continue supporting customers running Windows Vista until its end-of-life date in April 2017, but now we are requiring all users to be on a more recent browser for security and performance reasons.