RemnantSwap – buy and sell remnants

Dec 3, 2010 | RemnantSwap

Thanks to the early RemnantSwap users who’ve already listed thousands of remnants! We’ve made updates based on your feedback, and we’re excited for more people to get connected.

What is RemnantSwap?

RemnantSwap is a place to buy and sell remnants with fabricators near you. It’s totally free because we think the paid stone broker business is broken.

How does it work?

To buy remnants: just go to and search for a color of granite, quartz, or solid surface countertop material.
To sell: sign up with just your email and a way to reach you, then post your remnants.

Here’s a 2-minute video that shows how to list your remnants..

Some frequently asked questions

Q: Can I list Silestone, Corian…or any other quartz or solid surface product?
A: Yes. If it’s a countertop material, go for it!

Q: Do I have to give my address if I want to sell?
A: No. But if you want someone to buy, they need a way to reach you.

Q: Do I need to enter pricing info?
A: No. You can if you want, though.

If you haven’t already, we hope you post your remnants, too!

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