Stone Business Magazine – Inventory Software

May 5, 2009 | News

May 5, 2009

Entire Inventory Software article at Stone Business Magazine

Inventory Software


Whether you’re tracking slabs in the yard or sinks in the showroom – or both – opinions vary only a little on just what constitutes a good software package. Harry Hollander of Reno, Nev.-based Moraware, says it should help the shop owner do what he’s already doing better.

“You really have to understand your own process for managing inventory,” he says. “The software can be there to automate whatever you have, but inventory relies a lot on trusting the people in the shop, and relying on them to be accurate with things.”

The toughest part of the job, Hollander adds, is already done in a shop where the employees already record taking materials out of inventory and putting remnants back in.

“It also has to be simple enough that somebody who isn’t necessarily a native English speaker, or highly trained on computers, should be able to use it,” he says. “When you’re tracking inventory, there’s always a question of how much effort you want to put into it.”

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