Granite Xperts – Customer Profile

Nov 19, 2006 | Customer Profile

Profile at a Glance: Granite Xperts has been in business for over 15 years as a fabricator and installer of solid surface countertops. The company produces approximately 20 kitchens per week for residential and commercial customers in Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana.

The Problem: Granite Xperts used Excel for inventory and scheduling, Quickbooks for accounting and Outlook for contact management. Everything was backed up with hard copy files. Cataloguing and accessing project and customer information was time consuming and prone to duplication of effort and errors. With so much information stored in multiple locations within the office, the company was severely limited in its ability to grow.

“Each of our electronic forms,” explains Nadia Tzvetkova, President, “would be put into a separate folder for each customer, which ended up being a lot of folders. By the time we got around to filling all the paperwork for a job, something would have changed with it and then we’d have to do the paperwork all over again. We were duplicating a lot of information because it was a bulky system that made it difficult to find information.”

The Moraware Solution: JobTracker manages everything from contact management through inventory with just a few keystrokes on the computer. Customer accounts and job information is easy to retrieve and errors have been dramatically reduced.

“I based my decision to buy JobTracker on its functionality, the accounting capabilities and the ability to easily export data,” says Tzetkova. “I looked at every aspect of the program. The other programs we considered didn’t even come close to what JobTracker does. I also really like the support that we get from Moraware. Their staff is always available to help.”

“We are using JobTracker at the maximum level. We use it for scheduling, inventory control, contact management, and production. It is no longer rocket science to make sure our schedules are up to date. It’s easy.”

“Moraware was really good at explaining all the features of JobTracker before we purchased it. By the time we actually bought it, I was totally confident about it and the support that we would later get from Moraware. They are perfect with customer support.”

“The amount of work we can handle since we started using JobTracker has more than doubled and our mistakes are down to about one percent!”

“The time that JobTracker saves us is amazing. It is a true management tool.”

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