California Countertop – Customer Profile

Nov 19, 2006 | Customer Profile

Profile at a Glance: Established in 1984 as a solid surface fabrication company, California Countertops added quartz surfacing to its product mix in 2001. The company has two locations serving the San Diego market and employs seven crews, who install 25-30 jobs per week for residential and commercial customers.

The Problem: California Countetops relied on several software programs for scheduling, bidding, contact management and materials ordering. Although the system was adequate, it required multiple entries of the same information in order to stay current. Lacking an integrated system for information updates and retrieval, valuable time was lost searching the various programs for project and customer information.

“We used a collection of computer programs before Moraware,” explains Wayne Krumenacker, owner of California Countertops. “These programs worked pretty well, but the problem was that each one was independent and we had to retype all the information for each program. To save time, I was just using names in the scheduling program and nothing else. If we wanted to know anything about a job, we had to go into another program to get the details. Additionally, we weren’t able to save any of the quotes we generated, which was a big problem.”

The Moraware Solution: After implementing JobTracker in 2003, California Countertops was able to optimize workflow by keeping both its manufacturing locations supplied with current and accurate information for every job. Single entry data entry makes it possible to update the entire system as changes are made. Company contact information, job details and scheduling are quickly accessed with just a few keystrokes, which has improved efficiency and reduced costly errors.

“When we decided to purchase JobTracker,” says Krumenacker, “I was aware of its capabilities, but I didn’t realize that it would get so much better as time went on. The continual upgrades are wonderful. Our investment has really paid off for us, because Moraware is still helping us get better.”

“JobTracker’s remote access capability was a huge selling point for us. Anyone in either of our two locations can look on the schedule and know exactly what is going on. It has made us more efficient overall.”

“Most of the other programs we looked at charge by the seat, so unless you spent a lot of money, not everyone in the company would have access to it. That is very limiting. We wanted everyone in the company to use the system, not just the owner or a key employee.”

“We now use JobTracker for contact management, estimating and quoting. Having all these features in one program has saved us from having to retype all this information into each program. It is nice to have that feature since I can look up a customer’s quote and easily turn it into a job. It makes it much more useful.

“JobTracker is so versatile. You can have different views for your jobs and the calendars which is very convenient. When I am doing billing, all the other functions and events disappear, so that I can focus on what I need to get done, saving so much time.”

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